International Travel Documents – More Than Just a Passport!

Before your trip
International Travel Documents – More Than Just a Passport!

Last time, we shared information about getting or renewing your passport and ensuring that you know whether a visa is required. Those are the most important documents you will need, but there are others, and you will want to be very organized. Here’s a complete list of everything you need. Next time, we will share how to organize everything.

  • Passport with visas attached
  • A copy of the picture page of your passport and extra passport photos.
  • Your airline miles card
  • A copy of your itinerary
  • Originals and paper copies of your tickets (plane, train, bus, etc.) and confirmation numbers (hotel reservations, car rental, etc.), and all contact info for these companies. Even if you have these on your cell, it is good to have a hard copy back up.
  • Travel insurance card and accompanying information
  • Your international driver’s license if you plan to drive
  • Ask your bank if you can use your US debit card at cash machines in the country you are visiting. Check the fees before you travel! These days, withdrawing cash is easy in most places. You don’t have to carry a lot of cash at one time, and people rarely use traveler’s checks.
  • Contact info for all the people you would want/need to contact in case of an emergency (including me!). Don’t forget the numbers of the consulates where you’ll be staying. Store all of these numbers in your phone, as well — simply designate a consistent label for them (like “France 2017”) for easy access, and you can quickly delete them when your trip is over.
  • Copies — front and back — of any credit cards you’ll be taking with you. Credit cards are widely accepted in most places but check before.
  • Any Immunization card or records depending upon where you are traveling, and now your Covid Vaccine card

Even experts feel like the tide is turning, and there is a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. There is a lot of travel activity out there for later this year and into 2022-2023. Many are hopeful that we will be able to be out and about in the world by summertime. If you are thinking about a trip, now is the right time to plan it. Seymour & Associates Travel can help you navigate those roads, skies, rivers, and oceans!

You contact me by clicking here. I look forward to hearing from you!